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- # This is the file for allowing uniques to speak their "own" lines
- # when in fear.
- #
- # Deleting this file will have no real effect on the game. Modifying it may
- # cause STRANGE unique lines to come up if the format's wrong, but shouldn't
- # crash anything. The format goes like so:
- #
- # N:45:whoever this is
- # 3
- # says line 1
- # says line 2
- # says line 3
- #
- # The number after the N: is the "monster index number" obtained from
- # r_info.txt. The text field after that number isn't actually used--it's
- # just there to help humans edit the file. The numbers on lines by
- # themselves are the number of lines that the monster has. Getting these
- # numbers wrong won't crash anything, but will produce strange lines.
- #
- # A '*' in the number field is a wildcard and applies to any monster.
- # It should only be placed at the end of the file, since all 'N:' lines
- # after it will be ignored.
- #
- # Two or more monsters can share lines; just put their N: lines in a
- # contiguous block.
- #
- # To stop a certain monster from having unique lines, put a # in front of
- # its N: line.
- #
- # Entries by Eric Bock, Matt Graham, Andrew Hill, and Topi Ylinen
- N:8:Farmer Maggot
- 2
- screams, 'Don't hurt a poor helpless hobbit!'
- yells, 'Where are my vicious dogs when I need them?'
- N:19:Martti Ihrasaari
- 2
- yells, 'I'm a head of state! You can't *do* this!'
- yells, 'Help! Psycho on the loose!'
- N:53:Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog
- N:54:Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog
- N:55:Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog
- 5
- whimpers.
- pines.
- limps away, howling.
- howls.
- looks at you sadly.
- N:63:Smeagol
- 3
- says, 'Don't hurt us, mastersisis.'
- says, 'Poor Smeagol, poor Smeagol.'
- says, 'No AH! Don't hurtsis us.'
- N:135:Mughash the Kobold Lord
- 2
- screams, 'Cowards! Why did you abandon me?'
- begs for mercy.
- N:137:Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman
- 3
- begs you to spare his miserable life.
- whines, 'This is not my fault!'
- screams, 'Help! Help!'
- N:138:Robin Hood, the Outlaw
- 3
- begs you to spare his life.
- says, 'But I'm a GOOD guy, really!'
- says, 'Money? Sure, take it all back!'
- #N:169:Brodda, the Easterling
- #N:291:Ulfast, Son of Ulfang
- N:180:Orfax, Son of Boldor
- N:237:Boldor, King of the Yeeks
- 2
- sobs, 'I didn't MEAN it...'
- whimpers and moans.
- N:200:Hobbes the Tiger
- 1
- yells, 'Ow! Get me back to the comics!'
- N:140:Lagduf, the Snaga
- N:186:Grishnakh, the Hill Orc
- N:215:Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief
- N:260:Ufthak of Cirith Ungol
- N:285:Orc captain
- N:314:Shagrat, the Orc Captain
- N:315:Gorbag, the Orc Captain
- N:330:Bolg, Son of Azog
- N:350:Ugluk, the Uruk
- N:356:Lugdush, the Uruk
- N:373:Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai
- 6
- screams, 'Hey, orcs have rights too!'
- says, 'You're just prejudiced against orc-kind, aren't you?'
- begs, 'Spare me and I'll get you Ringil! Really!'
- says, 'Next time, I'm bringing more Uruks with me!'
- says, 'Don't hate me because I'm ugly!'
- whimpers and grovels.
- N:382:Mime, the Nibelung
- 8
- sobs.
- sobs and whines.
- screams, 'Ohe! Ohe! Au! Au!'
- pleads, 'Let me go!'
- wails, 'Au! Au! Au!'
- says, 'I was so good to you, and this is my reward?'
- moans, 'Such ingratitude!'
- says, 'Go now, on your way!'
- N:383:Hagen, son of Alberich
- 3
- shouts, 'Vassals, rouse yourselves! Take your weapons, good strong weapons!'
- shouts, 'There is danger! Danger!'
- cries, 'Woe! Woe!'
- N:419:Alberich the Nibelung King
- 11
- screams, 'Help! Murder! Murder!'
- screams, 'Aaah! Crushed! Shattered!'
- moans, 'Base trickery, foul deceit!'
- pleads, 'I have paid, now let me depart!'
- cries, 'O shameful humiliation!'
- shouts, 'Rascally rogue! Robber! Ruffian!'
- grumbles, 'You will regret this outrage, you wretch!'
- moans, 'Terrible vengeance I vow for this wrong!'
- says, 'Smile now, but you can never escape my curse!'
- wails, 'Alas! Alas! Woe is me!'
- moans, 'Do you mock me?'
- #N:392:Sangahyando of Umbar
- #N:380:Angamaite of Umbar
- #This next may be unnecessarily evil... :-]
- N:393:It
- 3
- howls, 'I'll be back!'
- whimpers, 'They said this invisibility thing was better than it is!'
- teleports away.
- N:409:Kharis the Powerslave
- 3
- howls, 'Nnnnooo!'
- says, 'I don't want to die, I'm a god, why can't I live on?'
- curses you.
- #N:413:Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang
- #Grendel's fear line makes sense if you've read "Beowulf"...
- N:431:Grendel
- 1
- whines, 'Mommy, save me!'
- N:441:Barney the Dinosaur
- 3
- begs, 'Don't! Think of the children!'
- screams, 'But I'm a big TV star!'
- sobs, 'All right! I apologize! I really really do!'
- #N:489:Bokrug
- N:493:Bert the Stone Troll
- N:494:Bill the Stone Troll
- N:495:Tom the Stone Troll
- N:551:Rogrog the Black Troll
- 3
- says, 'Now, stop it!'
- yells, 'Ey, watch it, you cheeky sod!'
- screams, 'Me mates'll settle yer hash!'
- N:505:Groo the Wanderer
- 1
- says, 'Oops... me get in big trouble!'
- # I have no idea what these next 4 should say, so.... --MG
- N:506:Fasolt the Giant
- 3
- cries: 'Take my life, but not my gold!'
- complains: 'Why do you rush at me? I sought justice, my just payment!'
- whines: 'Why do you threaten me?'
- #N:517:Jurt the Living Trump
- #N:573:Lord Borel of Hendrake
- #N:598:Mandor, Master of the Logrus
- N:595:Father Dagon
- N:596:Mother Hydra
- 1
- sobs, 'No! I'm an endangered aquatic species!'
- N:606:Loge, Spirit of Fire
- 1
- pants and gasps.
- N:615:Moire, Queen of Rebma
- 1
- wails, 'Help! Murder! Murder!'
- N:616:Kavlax the Many-Headed
- 2
- says, 'This is YOUR fault!' and bites itself.
- blames its problems on the head you've managed to kill.
- N:628:Malekith the Accursed
- 2
- says, 'C'mon! I'm sure we can work this out...'
- pleads for his miserable life.
- N:642:Jasra, Brand's Mistress
- 1
- hisses, 'We don't die, we multiply!'
- #N:651:Strygalldwir
- N:660:Rinaldo, son of Brand
- N:670:Jack of Shadows
- 2
- screams, 'Not the face! Not the face!'
- says, 'Yikes! Where'd I put my mail-order Cyberdemon?'
- #N:681:Chaugnar Faugn, Horror from the Hills
- N:686:Judge Death
- N:674:Judge Fear
- N:654:Judge Fire
- N:656:Judge Mortis
- 2
- hisses, 'You'll never get away with thisss...'
- hisses, 'Hey! I've got LAWYERSSS!'
- #N:687:Ariel, Queen of Air
- N:697:Smaug the Golden
- 4
- groans in disbelief.
- roars furiously.
- howls, 'Black Arrow? NOOOO!'
- howls, 'This CAN'T be happening!'
- N:712:Fafner the Dragon
- 2
- wails: 'Who are you that have wounded me so? Speak me your name!'
- complains: 'Who kindled your childish courage to this deadly deed?'
- #N:713:Fangorn the Treebeard
- N:715:Glaurung, Father of the Dragons
- 2
- writhes as he spouts black blood from many wounds.
- says, 'I shall be avenged!'
- #N:729:Ulik the Troll
- #N:730:Baphomet the Minotaur Lord
- N:732:Bull Gates
- 3
- sobs, 'OK, Linux doesn't suck. Let me live?'
- screams, 'Is megalomania THAT bad?'
- apologizes for MS-DOS.
- N:733:Santa Claus
- 3
- sobs, 'Think of the children you'll disappoint!'
- sobs, 'No, Virginia, there isn't... not any more...'
- attempts to buy you off with offers of goodies.
- #N:738:Khamul the Easterling
- N:743:The Phoenix
- 1
- defiantly caws, 'I shall rise again!'
- #N:753:Nidhogg the Hel-Drake
- #N:754:The Lernean Hydra
- #N:755:Thuringwethil
- #N:762:Fundin Bluecloak
- #N:763:Dworkin Barimen
- N:764:Uriel, Angel of Fire
- N:765:Azriel, Angel of Death
- N:769:Raphael, the Messenger
- 3
- screams, 'Help! I am undone!'
- says, 'The Most High hath ordained this; I must follow.'
- screams, 'My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?'
- N:766:Ancalagon the Black
- 2
- writhes as he spouts acidic blood from many wounds.
- says, 'My friends the Wyrms of Power will get you!'
- #N:770:Artsi the Champion of Chaos
- # Saruman's first line is a paraphrase from LoTR when he insults Theoden.
- N:771:Saruman of Many Colours
- 2
- says, 'Wait! Look behind you!'
- howls, 'Wormtongue! Where are you, you bastard?'
- N:772:Gandalf the Grey
- 2
- screams, 'How have things come to this... again?!'
- yells, 'Ouch!'
- N:777:Bast, Goddess of Cats
- 2
- spits, 'I'll be back, worse than ever!'
- snarls weakly.
- N:780:Vlad Dracula, Prince of Darkness
- 1
- howls with pain and fear.
- #N:787:Hypnos, Lord of Sleep
- #N:792:Tselakus, the Dreadlord
- #N:796:The Norsa
- #N:805:Omarax the Eye Tyrant
- #N:814:Yig, Father of Serpents
- # I have little familiarity with the Amber books, so these are left
- # for others to fill in as they see fit.
- #N:773:Brand, Mad Visionary of Amber
- #N:789:Bleys, Master of Manipulation
- #N:791:Fiona the Sorceress
- #N:794:Julian, Master of Forest Amber
- #N:799:Caine, the Conspirator
- #N:807:Gerard, Strongman of Amber
- #N:813:Eric the Usurper
- N:820:Corwin, Lord of Avalon
- 2
- says, 'Let's play fair, like the Olympic Games!'
- asks, 'Who am I? Where is here? Why you attack me!?"
- #N:824:Benedict, the Ideal Warrior
- N:825:The Witch-King of Angmar
- 1
- wails, 'Nooooo!'
- #N:828:Ithaqua the Windwalker
- N:817:Hela, Queen of the Dead
- N:834:Ymir the Ice Giant
- N:835:Loki the Trickster
- N:837:Surtur the Giant Fire Demon
- 3
- shouts, 'Why didn't I just stay in Asgard?'
- offers you everything in exchange for life.
- yells, 'I'll be back, with a squad of Cyberdemons!'
- N:655:Ubbo-Sathla, the Unbegotten Source
- N:695:Zoth-Ommog
- N:706:Yibb-Tstll the Patient One
- N:734:Eihort, the Thing in the Labyrinth
- N:735:The King in Yellow
- N:757:Hastur the Unspeakable
- N:760:Nyogtha, the Thing that Should not Be
- N:761:Ahtu, Avatar of Nyarlathotep
- N:767:Daoloth, the Render of the Veils
- N:788:Glaaki
- N:797:Rhan-Tegoth
- N:806:Tsathoggua, the Sleeper of N'kai
- N:809:Atlach-Nacha, the Spider God
- N:810:Y'golonac
- N:826:Cyaegha
- N:833:Abhoth, Source of Uncleanness
- N:841:Shuma-Gorath
- N:845:Yog-Sothoth, the All-in-One
- N:848:Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods
- N:849:Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss
- N:851:Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos
- N:857:Great Cthulhu
- 5
- sobs, 'I'm not bad, I was just born like this!'
- gibbers weakly.
- mumbles, 'kill -9 adventurer, kill -9 adventurer'
- oozes greenish blood from many wounds.
- burbles with terror.
- N:850:Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst
- N:846:Fenris Wolf
- N:840:Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves
- 3
- cringes and whimpers.
- says, 'Look, I promise I won't bite the mailman anymore!'
- says, 'Hey, put that rolled-up newspaper down!'
- N:819:Klingsor, Evil Master of Magic
- 4
- wails, 'Dire distress! Dire distress!'
- moans, 'So now you mock me who once strove after holiness?'
- wails, 'The pain, the pain..!'
- shouts, 'Ho, guards! Up! Foes are at hand!'
- N:830:Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord
- N:831:Mephistopheles, Lord of Hell
- N:818:The Mouth of Sauron
- N:804:Vecna, the Emperor Lich
- N:844:Kaschei the Immortal
- N:856:Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs
- N:858:Sauron, the Sorcerer
- N:860:Oberon, King of Amber
- 2
- screams, 'This CAN'T be happening!'
- shouts, 'Kill me if you want, the Boss will getcha!'
- N:862:The Serpent of Chaos
- 1
- screams, 'This CAN'T be happening!'
- N:*:Default lines
- 61
- says: 'I am too young to die.'
- says: 'Ok, ok! I get: no more pals.'
- screams: 'Help, ho!'
- screams: 'What ho! Help!'
- says: 'You will pay for this!'
- says: 'Violence is no solution!'
- says: 'I thought you liked me.'
- says: 'Such senseless violence! I don't understand it!'
- screams: 'Ho! Murder! Murder!'
- says: 'Look, behind you!'
- screams: 'Run away!'
- screams: 'Run to the hills! Run for your lives!'
- says: 'Wait! Spare me and I'll make you rich! Money isn't a problem!'
- says: 'I'll be back...'
- says: 'Hey -- I've got lawyers!'
- says: 'All my possession for a moment of time!'
- says: 'Hey, it was only a joke, all right?'
- says: 'Stop!'
- says: 'Cut it out, will you?'
- says: 'I will not kneel. Strike!'
- screams: 'Cowards! Why did you not protect me?'
- screams: 'Idiots! I am surrounded by incompetent idiots!'
- says: 'I don't wanna die, I'm a god, why can't I live on?'
- yells: 'Someone call the Gendarmes!'
- screams: 'Keep that lunatic away from me!'
- shouts: 'Drop that weapon, now!'
- says: 'Fool! You don't know what you're doing!'
- screams for help!
- begs for mercy.
- sobs.
- screams: 'Help! The maniac's murdering me!'
- says: 'Just what is it you want? Money? Babes? I can arrange it...'
- says: 'Wait! Let's make a deal!'
- says: 'Just can't stop this surmounting terror!'
- says: 'If there is a God, then why has he let me die?'
- says: 'I know where I'm going -- out!'
- says: 'No hope, no life, just pain and fear.'
- says: 'I am a fugitive, hunted down like game.'
- says: 'You'll live to regret this blasphemous offence!'
- says: 'All my life's blood is slowly draining away...'
- asks: 'Should we be fighting at all?'
- asks: 'What are we fighting for?'
- asks you: 'Can you say you are proud of what you've done?'
- says: 'Every minute I get weaker...'
- says: 'All my life I've run away...'
- says: 'All that I see, absolute horror!'
- says: 'I have fallen prey to failure.'
- says: 'Just leave me alone!'
- says: 'Please, save me!'
- says: 'You've won a battle, but I'll win the war!'
- says: 'You've won this round, next time it's *my* turn!'
- says: 'Another time, another battlefield, *my* victory.'
- says: 'I've got to keep running.'
- says: 'It's all so futile!'
- says: 'Cowards live to fight another day.'
- says: 'Life it seems will fade away, drifting further every day.'
- says: 'Emptiness is filling me, to the point of agony.'
- says: 'Cannot stand this hell I feel!'
- cries: 'Someone help me, oh please God help me!'
- cries: 'Please! I have a mate and six siblings!'
- cries: 'Mama, they try and break me!'